Wednesday, May 12, 2010



Thesis Statement: Oil plays a major role in the world economy, were extremely dependent on it even too dependent. Oil is a crucial part of the world but it’s a large burden to nature. Oil spills like Exxon Valdez and the situation in the Gulf right now provide great examples on how much risk is involved in being too dependent on oil

I. Background
TS: Oil spills are caused by many different factors, but the release of oil in the world caused by human activity is a problem that we immediately need to fix

A. What is an Oil Spill
- Oil Spills are leakage of petroleum unto the world, which is caused by human activity, mostly occurring in the ocean
- It has great negative effects on nature
B. Cause of an Oil Spill
- Oil Spills are mostly caused by technical problems in oil tankers carrying petroleum
- Another cause can be the failure of oil rigs that are out at see

II. The Effects of Oil Spills on Nature
TS: Wherever oil spills happen every aspect of nature is affected from wildlife to different vegetation, this has an extremely negative impact certain species of this world especially marine life

A. Affects on Animals
- Wildlife is greatly Affected by oil spills especially Birds and Marine mammals
- When Oil gets on a bird plumage it decreases it mobility and ability to fly, and can even can even cause liver damage resulting in death without human intervention
- In a lot of sea mammals such as otters the oil gets on the fur and makes the body temperature fluctuate resulting in hypothermia
- This also affects the Fauna because the food chain would be messed up

B. Affect on Plants
- As a result of oil covering water almost no sunlight can get to marine plants
- This results and no being able to do photosynthesis

III. Recovery and Prevention
A. Recovery
- Different ways to clean up oil is the use of skimmers to lift the oil off sea, and sometimes burning the oil
- Chemical agents and regular household tools can be used to clean up the beach from oil
B. Prevention
- They are many different methods to prevent oil spills such as having two boats always hulling a tankers and different methods of containment
- The most effective way if too decrease our dependency on oil, and looking to new energy source therefore decreasing the risk of oil spill occuring

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